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COVID-19 Safe Practices: Project Delivery Protocol to Protect Health & Safety

TurbinePROs has always been committed to our customers', employees', and entire project team's health and safety. Now, providing the safest, most productive services to power-generating facilities while minimizing and preventing the spread of COVID-19 is of paramount importance. We have worked diligently to develop solutions and protocol above and beyond the CDC's standard health and safety guidelines to mitigate Coronavirus infection while we are servicing critical plant components vital to infrastructure.

To follow are just some of the steps we are taking:

In addition to the health and safety guidelines recommended by the CDC, TurbinePROs has developed or implemented protocol that allows us to provide services that maintain safe, efficient operation of a plant’s critical equipment with strict practices to prevent contamination and potential spread of infection

  • COVID-19 Preparedness Training. Our staff and project team have completed an online course to instill strict hygiene protocol and other practices that minimize risk of exposure and spread of infection. We encourage the team to make these habits part of their daily living both on the job and away from work.   
  • PPE Safety Kits: We are providing our employees and project team with masks, gloves, hand sanitizer, disinfectant wipes and other essentials. 
  • COVID-19 Response Team. We are continually evaluating CDC, local, state, and federal guidelines that may require quick or long-term adjustments and solutions. We will adjust how critical projects will be and may continue to be delivered.
  • Travel Protocol. We evaluate each project location and site to develop a team and travel plan that limits or avoids large crews traveling from known hot spots 
  • Service While Physical Distancing. Much of our work is done at safe physical distancing; however, we are elevating our physical distancing practices to a new level utilizing multiple technologies and planning. Contact us to learn more about what we have developed and implemented to provide services while physical distancing or contactless communication. 
  • Integrated Plan with Project Owners and Suppliers. We will collaborate with customers and our suppliers to effectively combine their mitigation practices into our project delivery. We are in this together.

TurbinePROs is committed to delivering services critical to the power generation infrastructure while maintaining and protecting the health and safety of all plant personnel, project team, and surrounding communities that we may be in.

If you have questions or would like more information about TurbinePROs’ COVID-19 Mitigation Protocol for a project you're planning, please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call us (877-363-5702) to discuss our TurbinePROs COVID-19 Response: Project Delivery Protocol to Protect Health & Safety

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