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TurbinePROs is a proud member of multiple associations that serve the power generation industry. Many of the organizations are dedicated to the education and sharing of ideas, techniques, and programs to better serve the industry, utility companies, and the customers. Our field services team is committed to continuing education, sharing knowledge of rotating equipment maintenance, repairs, new equipment, and upgrades to better serve the utilities and municipalities that we serve. A short list of the associations we are members of is included below


National Hydropower Association Member

The National Hydropower Association (NHA) is a nonprofit national association dedicated exclusively to promoting the growth of clean, affordable hydropower, America’s leading renewable resource. Through advocacy, policy, and education initiatives, NHA works every day to increase the role that available, reliable, affordable and sustainable hydropower plays in the U.S. electricity sector.


RMEL Logo TurbinePROs MemberRMEL is a not-for-profit energy trade association that has served the electric utility industry with a variety of education and networking services since 1903. Dedicated to fostering a thriving community of electric energy professionals, RMEL’s 300 corporate members share ideas, techniques and programs to better serve the industry and its customers. Lobbying is not part of RMEL’s mission. The association is only focused on education for utility personnel.

A Unique Mix of All Utility Types Not Found Elsewhere
Investor-owned utilities, cooperatives, municipalities, generation and transmission associations, public power districts, government owned utilities and service companies (consultants, engineering firms, manufacturers, etc.) all find value and participate in RMEL. Everyone learns from peer-to-peer sharing and subject matter experts in an open environment.


AWS Am Welding Society TurbinePROsAmerican Welding Society (AWS) is committed to advancing the science, technology, and application of welding and allied joining and cutting processes worldwide. They provide certification, advanced training, updated standards, conferences, and professional collaborations. AWS offers leading-edge industry knowledge, resources and tools needed.

Field Services

bucket service

Field Services

bucket maintenance


bucket repairs
