This new from the ground up nuclear power plant has North America’s first turbines ever set on a gerb spring foundation. Everything from condenser and turbine is set on springs to reduce number of pipe locations, adjustable for alignment, absorbs vibrations, and provides seismic advantages.
TurbinePROs provided all skilled craft labor from 90 different crafts, on-site project manager, safety and quality managers, and onsite machining. Unique procedures and work packages, ITPs and JSAs were developed for the installation of 2 - 1,117 MW Toshiba turbines and ancillary components including 6 LPs, 2 HPs, 2 generators, 2 collectors/exciters, all valves, GERB springs, feed water pump overhaul, Lube Oil Flush Support, Testing Support, Startup Support. And all tooling, consumables, as well as all sole plates and fixators required for turbine installation.
In addition, TurbinePROs developed installation procedures and ensured stable operating conditions. Our project manager oversaw all receivables, balance of plant in turbine building including pumps and motors installation, alignment, and maintenance.
TurbinePROs was also chosen to provide continued maintenance support.
OEM: Toshiba
Fuel Type: Nuclear
90 Skilled Crafts
1,117 MW
Number of Units: 2
Unique Challenges:
Everything from the condenser and turbine are set on a GERB spring foundation. This is the first time in North American that a turbine deck and condenser were supported by GERB springs and Viscodamper.
Safety Award: 400,000 Safe Man-Hours
It is with great pride and gratitude that we thank every one of our team and those we work with on site who made 2018 the safest year in TurbinePROs' history.
The Recordable Incident Rate (RIR) is a mathematical calculation used by OSHA to define the number of employees per 100 full-time employees who have been involved in an OSHA-recordable injury or illness.
Comprehensive hydro power services have been added to TurbinePROs hydro turbine service offerings. In addition to turbine maintenance, new installation, retrofits, refurbishment, and repairs, TurbinePROs now offers Commissioning Support, Machining, Welding, Inspections and Assessments of hydro turbines.